Where are we at?

Welcome back to the blog, it’s been a while! I apologize for the lack of updates, life has been crazy around here recently.

So, let’s get into it…

The next few products that will be coming out are as follows (not necessarily in this order):

  • Halloween 2021 Promo Pack

  • Holiday 2021 Promo Pack

  • Crystal Starter Deck

  • Booster Set 1: The Eon’s War

We are pretty ambitious with trying to get something new out at the very least every three months, but it may be slightly longer until the next product is released. This is going to be the Halloween promo pack which should be out sometime in early October. We are currently finalizing card designs right now and will have a few weeks of playtesting as we get the art finalized.

The Holiday Promo Pack is in the early planning stages, but I am super excited to get started on that one.

The crystal starter deck is well under development with just a few more playtest sessions to get it where it needs to be. I have been working on the ideas for the deck for quite some time, so it will be super exciting to get some progress made on it. We are just a few pieces in with getting art, so this may take a bit longer than I was anticipating. In the meantime, here’s a promo image to get you excited. Any thoughts on how the deck will play?

Trinity - General (Mauro).jpg

Now onto the big one, the first booster set: The Eon’s War. This set is shaping up to be really exciting and it’s going to blow the doors of the Kingdoms universe like nothing else has to date. Lots of really cool, fun, and strong cards are all at your disposal. Being that this is a booster set, randomized boosters are going to be produced (boxes as well!) with a set number of common, uncommon, and rares in each pack. We are still tweaking this to figure out the exact number of each. We have a good bit of playtesting left to do, but we are about 65% done with the art for the set. Lots of new artists have joined on for this set and I think you are going to like what you see.

Well, back to work for me, we have lots to do!

Keep your Kingdom strong.


What should you build with Creeping Night?


Kingdoms: Year 1