The Story of Kime

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From the Creation to the Eon’s War

In the beginning, only the cosmos existed; swirling gasses and interstellar clouds cluttered the sky. In time, the world evolved and life was created; Kime was born. With the birth of Kime came The Paragon, an all- powerful origin of the world's energies. The Paragon was looked after by a being of unknown origins called The Gazer of Eternity whose sole purpose was to protect and utilize the Paragon in order to allow Kime to thrive. After a great deal of time and many errors, The Gazer created two beings: a mermaid and an elemental of fire. The Gazer continued to create these beings until a small portion of the plant was populated. Satisfied with his creations, The Gazer took his leave and allowed life to evolve naturally. This is what is generally referred to as The Creation.

The mermaids and fire elementals lived in harmony for a time. The mermaids created their city of Atrona, while the elementals took shelter in the warmth of the great volcano, Trite. When the wizards of each tribe began to meddle in political negotiations and proceedings, alliances were broken and trusts were betrayed. 

The unrest across Kime caused ruptures in the very fabric of the paragon. These fractures grew larger with each conflict and eventually lead to The Paragon shattering into many different pieces. Upon entering Kime’s atmosphere, these pieces splintered into thousands of smaller sections known as fragments.

As the fragments breached the surface of Kime, they embedded themselves into objects, and even into the planet itself. The wizards of both tribes were able to extract the fragments from these objects and create massive power sources called relics. This eventually led to an all out war between the mermaids and elementals over who possessed and controlled the most fragments, and therefore, the most energy on Kime.

This was known as the Queen’s war and while it only lasted 150 years, the bloodshed was widespread and touched even other on the outskirts of their cities.

Luna, Empress of the Atronan Empire, was known for her exceptional skill in combat. She led the first assault against the elementals of Trite who were led by the powerful elemental wizard, Sol. After several attacks and tremendous loss of life from both sides, a treaty was reached and there was finally peace on Kime…for a time.

The Fragments were split up and relocated throughout Kime to be guarded by one soldier from each kingdom. One by one, these Shards fell to different and new evolving life across the land. Eventually, the mermaids and elementals lost their influence and power throughout Kime which ultimately led to their treaty being broken and the start of the second great war known as the Eon's war. 

The Eon's War saw all manner of beings group together under different kingdoms with the ideology that their relics were the most effective and superior. The kingdoms to the north were all followers of the mystic elements: water, fire, and magic while the kingdoms to the south were followers of the physical resources: wood, gold, and stone.

 The kingdoms alone could not thrive and thus alliances between different factions were formed and generals were selected to lead their armies. The kingdoms of the north sought to gain control of the surrounding kingdoms but knew that they alone could not conquer in any meaningful way and so they began forming treaties with the kingdoms of the south.

After much time at war, the different tribes chose to work together to suppress the power of the kingdoms; This rebellion is eventually what lead to a unified north and south. The kingdoms came to a simple treaty and divided the lands amongst themselves with no consideration for the tribes living outside of their power. This left much of the tribes’ worries unchecked and caused great unrest outside of the kingdom walls across the land.

A group of warriors from each faction came together to infiltrate and overthrow the kingdoms one by one. As the kingdoms crumbled, the tribes installed their own chosen leaders at the helm of each kingdom. This led to the end of the bloodiest and most cruel war that Kime had ever seen; a time of peace and prosperity unknown fell upon the land for hundreds of years until the rise of the 12 Kings.