What should you build with Creeping Night?
Meremu Item/Bloomling Spam
Now that Creeping Night has officially released and we have seen a few different decks emerge, the clear winner is Meremu Items/ Tribal Bloomlings. This is not only a toolbox deck utilizing Shade’s ability, but it is also a very quick aggro deck with a few key cards that allow it operate at fully power. Let’s break down the deck down below:
Shade, Manifestation of Night
4x Mystic Fragment
4x Physical Fragment
2x Crystal Fragment
4x Corrupt Moon
2x Lucky Clover
4x Cryptic Resurrection
4x Preserve
2x Haunting Walk
2x Festival Preparations
2x Possession
4x Bloomling of the Festivities
4x Possessed Bloomling
4x Scuttling Bloomling
4x Meremu, The Giver
4x Replication Bloomling
4x Bloomling of Dark Night
2x Cosmic Construct
2x Frosted Bloomling
2x Gilded Bloomling
The first thing that you might notice is that there is not the full set of 12 fragments, and quite frankly you will have more fragments that you know what to do with, so dropping two allows up to throw more gas into the deck.
The key cards in this deck are the Bloomling of Dark Night, Meremu, The Giver, and Bloomling of the Festivities, without these the deck would still be functional, but not nearly as good as it is currently. Basically you are looking for your opening hand to have any fragment card, and one of each of the three key cards. This will allow you to come out incredibly fast and force your opponent to play on the defensive, especially if you hit an item with Meremu. Even if you miss with Meremu, it will still load up your cemetery and hopefully you will throw something in there that can be brought back with Cryptic Reresection.
From there you are hoping to draw into at least one more Bloomling and keep it in hand to discard to Shade’s ability when you need it in order to search for the Bloomling you need. Best case scenario is you draw into several Bloomlings and are able to search for a second Bloomling of Dark Night and still keep one in hand to search for what you need.
If you occasion does arise where you are looking for defense, the Corrupt Moon/Haunting Walk package will come in handy and also gives you a bit of flexability to glimpse for a bloomling.
Basically the deck boils down to: Spam items and Bloomlings and make sure you have a Bloomling of Dark Night on board to benefit from all of your soldiers/items.
Hopefully this clears up the new meta deck for you and you are able to pilot it better, or strike it down with force.
Stay strong, and keep protecting your Kingdom.